IndoDebate: WUDC 2014: 19 Indonesian Institutions Among 477 Registered

The 2014 World Universities Debating Championships in Chennai would have a record-breaking number of Indonesian participants if all of the 19 institutions that registered earlier this week could each get at least one team slot. If all of their requests are granted, Indonesia would have 31 teams. This, however, is quitw impossible as the team cap is 384 with a maximum extension of 400. At the close of registration, 477 institutions from 78 countries requested slots for 905 teams. The organisers now have the unenviable task of sorting them out.  They like to give a slot for each registered institution but this can be tricky with these numbers. For the scheme on how they will conduct the sorting, click here for WUDC 2014 registration policy.

The 19 Indonesian institutions that registered and their requests are as follows:
Binus International (3 teams)
Binus University (2 teams)
Institut Pertanian Bogor (1 team)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (3 teams)
STBA Teknokrat (1 team)
Universitas Atma Jaya (1 team)
Universitas Bina Dharma (1 team)
Universitas Brawijaya (1 team)
Universitas Diponegoro (1 team)
Universitas Gadjah Mada (2 teams)
Universitas Indonesia (3 teams)
Universitas Lampung (1 team)
Universitas Musamus (1 team)
Universitas Negeri Padang (2 teams)
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (2 teams)
Universitas Padjadjaran (3 teams)
Universitas Parahyangan (1 team)
Universitas Pelita Harapan (1 team)
Universitas Sriwijaya (1 team)


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